Who are the 'Advertising Standards Authority'?
- The advertising standards authority is a media advertising industry company.
- The advertising standards authority is an illegal group and so they cannot take or apply rules.
What do the advertising standards authority do?
- Taking action on complaints and checking the media to take action against confusing, harmful or offensive adverts.
- Barnardo's is a charity group where they raise money for children who are going through a rough time e.g. Child poverty, sexual exploitation, disability or domestic violence.
- They 'Believe in Children', by supporting them, and standing up for them, bringing out the best of them
- Barnardo's published an advert 5 years ago.
- Also they have published one just 3 years ago and has over 840 complaints.
- Both the adverts were removed by the ASA as it increased the awareness
about domestic child abuse, the advert featured repeated scenes of violence towards
a young girl and drug taking. The ASA said the purpose of the advert showed bad/strong
imagery to young people.
- Barnardo's Advert 1
- Barnardo's Advert 2
Why does Advertising need to be regulated?
- Advertising plays a crucial part in all market, It encourages growth and advance, competition and increases in a shoppers choice.